建筑师Wendy Saunders来自比利时,与合伙人Vincent de Graaf相识于荷兰。2005年,两人来到中国,在上海创办了AIM恺慕建筑设计事务所。与其名称AIM(目标)的意思如出一辙,事务所对设计最终效果十分看重。十多年来,Wendy对设计的热情始终如一,随着文化洞察力及解决问题的能力与日俱增,主持创作了一系列建筑、室内、产品设计佳作,事务所日渐蜚声国际。
What design value you’d like to transfer through Hutong Block Project?
This project is the one big block in a Hutong area and stands out massively. We tried to implant the project into the surrounding in a way that is recognizable and also connects it to its surroundings. We love Hutongs. The site presents two different scales. On one hand, you see this big block from far away. But up close, the nearby Hutongs are at a much small scale. We tried to break the scale on the ground floor to work the presence of the small surroundings. The building is about being the big brother on the block, trying to be powerful and strong, but still blend in.
△ 北京胡同大楼改造更新
© Dirk Weiblen
How do you blend cultural elements into Hutong Block Project? Can you share with us your thoughts?
The project is very close to the Forbidden City. It’s a very powerful location. The design aims to balance this power with the surroundings. We looked at the color pallets, the materials and the roughness of it, and tried to blend in with that sense – the greys, the shades, and some of the color pallets inside, and to bring in the kind of texture that we feel within that.
△ 北京胡同大楼改造更新
© Dirk Weiblen
The facade of the Hutong Block Project is impressive in that the stucco cladding echoes the gray Hutong brickwork. Can you talk about the process of choosing this material?
The façade holds everything together. It shows a bit more structure in the lower, quite chaotic, scene of the Hutong. We want it to have the project standing out, so it has a structural façade that wraps around it. The result is that the building stands out but still blends in with the choice with material and the texture used.
△ 北京胡同大楼改造更新
© Dirk Weiblen
As to the interior space of Hutong Block, what is the standard and criteria of selecting color, furnishing, texture etc?
We want to bring young public with a selection of colors that have an imperial feeling to it – the blues, the yellows. There colors also offset the greys on the exterior. In China, there are older buildings that are a bit drab and not interesting, but inside it’s a different world. We want to have a surprise element, and present a different statement inside.
In Hutong Block Project,similar to HARMAY Wukang Road(话梅坊), you aimed to incorporate street life into the project, creating a communal gathering place for the community. How did you this interesting idea come about, especially considering the high land cost in downtown areas?
We always try to incorporate street life in all of our projects. Here the project has this amazing power that it connects two streets. We really want to utilize that, to create a path through, but also to have this space at the back that becomes a bit of an interior and exterior plaza, a public space connecting to these two streets. Of course how successful it will be will depend on the operation, but that was the intent, to give a little public space inside, into the mess and chaos of the whole Hutong, to really use the scale in a different way. Because if you look at the plan, the scale of the building is huge while everything around is very chaotic and small, so you have this opportunity to create a space and place for people to gather. It was the natural thing to do to try to create this space there.
△ HARMAY上海武康路 “话梅坊”
© Dirk Weiblen
As AIM’s design portfolio covers residence, retail, hotel, library, spanning architecture, interior, product design, could you share a couple of representative cases to show the emphasis and difference between multiple types and scales?
The projects we are sharing here all focus on the surroundings in their own way.
Taoxichuan Hotel tells stories about the history with the ceramics.
△ 景德镇陶溪川酒店凯悦臻选
© WenStudio
Harmay Fang tried to bring new life into the neighborhood.
△ HARMAY上海武康路 “话梅坊”
© Dirk Weiblen
Fushengyu sits in the countryside. We worked with the hill, and applied a lot of local material into the construction.
△ 绵阳浮生御温泉度假村
© Dirk Weiblen
Kailong is about re-acitivting an old mall. We brought natural light in, tried to engage with people, and bring life into the city.
△ 上海嘉杰国际广场
© Dirk Weiblen
What is your understanding of good architecture? Through your architectural practise, how to improve (construction) completeness in design?
There are a lot of good architects out there. For us, it’s about going beyond the building. The building should not just be its own entity, it’s really a lot about how it sits into the context and how it reacts to the outside world, and how you can hopefully create an environment that has a positive impact on the neighborhood. I think this is very important. It doesn’t mean that the building itself is not important. It’s inevitable that the building IS important, but it should not be an island.
There is a lot to improve on the sustainability aspect of building, the quality of material used, and the education of people who actually work on the building site. I think it would be good to set standards of more detailed aspects of the building process, and to use more long-term thinking vs. short-term thinking.
△ 上海M园区2020
© Dirk Weiblen
As a Belgian architect who has been working in Shanghai for years, what is the evolution of your design concept? Tell us what it is like to work in a team with diversified cultural backgrounds?
It’s been very interesting to step away from what I always thought how things should be. I’ve learned a lot about working within a different culture, which for sure has also made a big impact on who I have become as a designer. I grew up in old cities. The environment was all very quaint. I’ve learned a lot more that by living in Shanghai, in China, that the urban setting is very important, and has a very big impact on how you perceive, or feel, and the emotional connection to the city. So I feel like that has a very impact on how I look at design and architecture.
Working with a team that is diverse in culture, it’s not always easy, but it’s rewarding in the end if you manage it well. There is not just one way to do things. It takes time and patience to look at all these different aspects, and still try to filter through what you believe and value.
△ 北京SOHO长城脚下的公社室内改造
© 雷坛坛, Yi Geng
As overall construction scale drops in China, how to adapt to the drastic market change? What is your vision of the future development of AIM?
I think it’s not a bad thing. With the scale and construction dropping in China, maybe people will be more critical about what they build and why they build it, versus just building because you can and there is more for it. I think it’s the same everywhere in the world, and China will eventually, and inevitably, hits that moment. It will make us really think what we are doing here and what it is for. I think we all have that responsibility for the world and the development of it. It will not make it easier, but maybe it will make it better.
△ 上海新天地南里中庭改造
© Wen Studio
Wendy Saunders(右) Vincent de Graaf(左)
AIM(恺慕)建筑设计事务所,由Wendy Saunders和Vincent de Graaf于2005年共同创立,拥有一支对设计充满激情的国际化团队。
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